When building a business, you want to surround yourself with talent. That’s what will get your business off the ground and into the stratosphere. Regardless of your business, you will more than likely need multiple departments to succeed, especially a finance/accounting department. So how exactly can you attract top-notch financial talent? Here are some tips and tricks.

Be Clear on Your Company

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re running a small-to-mid-sized business. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. But, if you’re on the smaller side, then prospective employees probably aren’t terribly familiar with your company. And you need to communicate that. Clearly. No one wants to step into a new job at a company only to find out a month later that the company isn’t a proper fit. So, before you even enter the interview process, make your company’s vision and brand very clear through websites, promotions and general public-facing content. Showcase your company culture, and you will find the right people.


This may sound like common sense, but utilize your network. It’s a great way to bring in top-notch content. You’ve hired the best of the best, right? Chances are your employees associate themselves with like-minded, top-notch individuals as well. So take advantage of those connections. Ask employees for any leads on new faces that can perform the needed duties. It can also cut down the hiring process, which is helpful for everyone.

Clarify the Job Description

Prospective employees need to know what they’re applying for. Again, no one wants a “bait and switch” situation on their hands. If you can craft a thoughtful job description, with duties and responsibilities for the immediate and near future, then job seekers should have a clear understanding of what they’re getting themselves into. If your company is small, then there’s a high chance for rapid change and growth, and employees need to be alright with that. Make that clear. Transparency with all employees, even the soon-to-be ones, is key.

Admittedly, these tips can be used for just about any department, but you’ll need a strong financial/accounting team in order to thrive. Make sure to follow these tips and find your superstars.