Millennials have been under a lot of scrutiny regarding their position in the current workforce. They have been label as lazy, entitled children who need a participation ribbon for everything they do. The older generation has created an unemployable stigma around young people attempting to enter the workforce. The lack of truth behind the stereotype may be a surprise for older generations.


The Stereotype

The climate of work has changed over the years. It was reported by CNN in 2016 that Millennials will have at least four jobs under their belt by the time they are 32. This differs from the previous generation of working for a single company for a lifetime. Millennials now have to maintain a skill set that can adaptable for different jobs and careers throughout their lifetime.

With technology savviness being the strongest skill of young people, Millennials have different ways of prioritizing work in terms of work climate and a better work-life balance. Young people are much more connected than ever with not only technology but with core beliefs of working hard. This different mindset could be the biggest separation between the generations.


The Truth

Millennials are actually secret workaholics. In a survey done by Project:Time Off and GfK, Millennials are most likely to not use all of their vacation days compared to other generations like Generation X or Baby Boomers, in the workforce. Their reputation of wanting longer personal time off and not wanting to work is actually not true. The report also says that Millennials make up half of the workforce and that 1 in 4 of Millennials are already in management positions. Employees who are millennials that choose to take time off tend to feel guilty for it as well, the report says. They are creating a different work atmosphere that allows for less time off with less pay.

The cycle of older generations insulting younger generations is nothing new. The difference with this generation is that technology plays a huge part in our daily life that changes the way we work and live. The current youth can access information much quicker than any generation prior to them.  Millennials are being blamed for the change of environment in the workforce but it may be changes beyond their control.