Adapting and Overcoming: inDinero’s Story

Adapting and Overcoming: inDinero’s Story

In the world of business, remaining stagnant is usually not the way to go. Changing business models tend to fare better in the long run, giving a company longevity. And with so many startups popping up at what seems to be a daily rate, it is difficult to avoid...
The Benefits of Filing Your Taxes Early

The Benefits of Filing Your Taxes Early

Once again, it’s tax season. For many Americans, they wait until much closer to April 15th (technically April 18th this year, since the 15th falls on a Saturday). Unfortunately, waiting until too close to when taxes are due can make you lose money that you would have...
Acorns For the Winter: Financial Literacy App

Acorns For the Winter: Financial Literacy App

Your personal finances are important. This is, hopefully, a fairly obvious statement. And as obvious a statement as it is, many Americans know very little about their finances. One particular group, millennials, apparently have a very bad understanding of what it...
How To Prepare For An Audit

How To Prepare For An Audit

If you’re a traditional tax paying American adult, then you know what time of year it is. With every new year comes the infamous tax season. The time of year when millions of Americans fill out their W-2 forms and then wait for their tax returns. While it is a fairly...
How To Get Ahead of Tax Season

How To Get Ahead of Tax Season

Tax season is fast approaching once again. For many people, this time of year is incredibly stressful and always sneaks up on them. When April 15th gets close, it suddenly seems like you must fill out all of your tax returns immediately and you have nothing in order....
Top 6 DIY Accounting Software Pt. 2

Top 6 DIY Accounting Software Pt. 2

In the previous article, I mentioned three DIY accounting software platforms that, while may seem similar at first, actually differ quite a bit. And now, to complete the list, here are the final three best DIY accounting applications: Intuit Quickbooks Online Briefly...